The House of Diamane is a familial house of black gay men in the city of Toronto. Our house exists to create social programming for members of our house and for our friends who are gay men & trans people of all backgrounds. We aim to breathe life, love and excitement into the social and cultural lives of black gay men in Toronto and the city’s gay & trans community in general through curated events, gatherings and experiences.

Our three main principles are Kindness, Togetherness and Fun.



At present we coordinate precisely one regular social activity which we call “Friday Night ​Betty’s”. FNB’s is a chill meetup for black gay men in the city happening every other Friday ​night at one of a rotating choice of bars in downtown Toronto. It is a time and space for us to ​get together and be ourselves in the good way we know how – with a few drinks, some good ​music* and a little personality. We carve this space out of the week for one purpose – to meet ​new people and enjoy the unique vibe that we create when we get together. Please bring ​your good vibes and be prepared to enjoy our company in the spirit of Kindness, ​Togetherness and Fun. Please see the CONTACT page below for details.

Please note! If you are the shy type - we extend a special invitation to you. Do not be ​intimidated :) We endeavor to keep pretensess to a minimum and encourage among us the ​spirit of openness belonging to our places of origin - the Continent, the Caribbean and the ​(east) Coast. When you arrive, come and see the House Mother to be introduced to some ​people.

*Best efforts will be made to find the bars/nights that have a decent playlist.


In addition to FNB’s, we coordinate one semi-regular social activity which we call “Open ​House”. It is a byob get together for our house and all of our gay male and trans friends. If ​you’re here on this landing page, there is a chance you’ve already heard about it. It is a ​private event that is open to friends of friends. If you do not already know someone, we hope ​to change that. :) Come and get to know some people at FNB's! And contact the House ​Mother on IG for an invite and for details (see CONTACT page, below).


The seal of our house is made up of two images:



The adinkra (west African) symbol for ‘house’ is called a FINANKRA. It represents togetherness and family bond (security).

DIAMANE is a form of carbon. It is diamond. It is uniquely created by subjecting carbon to high pressure from two directions. An apt representative symbol for black gay men.



Contact with friends and new friends is made exclusively through our accounts on Instagram. All content, event information and event notifications are also accessed through our IG accounts. To respect the privacy of all, our active accounts have been made private. Please click the link below and 'Follow' to be admitted, to view content and to see event information. Event notifications are sent to those following our page in the form of posts leading up to each event.

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House of Diamane gatherings are informal meetups and may potentially be attended by any member of the public. All individuals are responsible for their behaviour in spaces open to the public according to municipal law. House of Diamane is not responsible or liable for any untoward circumstance arising out of any individual’s interactions with others who attend. We assume the good intention of all who participate and we expect all individuals to make every effort to be good and welcome guests of the businesses and spaces we patronize. All are expected to interact positively with others at all times. Any who cannot comply with acceptable standards of behaviour will be distanced and disinvited from future gatherings. We will cooperate with patronized establishments and their staff to ensure the comfort of all in our company and in our presence at all times. By attending, you release House of Diamane and its associates from all claims arising out of or in any way connected with your participation in organized meetup events.